Ultralight C++ API 1.3.0
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JSContextRef.h File Reference

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JSContextGroupRef JSContextGroupCreate (void) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6)
 Creates a JavaScript context group.
JSContextGroupRef ios (7.0))
JSContextGroupRef JSContextGroupRetain (JSContextGroupRef group) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6)
 Retains a JavaScript context group.
void JSContextGroupRelease (JSContextGroupRef group) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6)
 Releases a JavaScript context group.
JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextCreate (JSClassRef globalObjectClass) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5)
 Creates a global JavaScript execution context.
JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextCreateInGroup (JSContextGroupRef group, JSClassRef globalObjectClass) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6)
 Creates a global JavaScript execution context in the context group provided.
JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextRetain (JSGlobalContextRef ctx)
 Retains a global JavaScript execution context.
void JSGlobalContextRelease (JSGlobalContextRef ctx)
 Releases a global JavaScript execution context.
JSObjectRef JSContextGetGlobalObject (JSContextRef ctx)
 Gets the global object of a JavaScript execution context.
JSContextGroupRef JSContextGetGroup (JSContextRef ctx) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6)
 Gets the context group to which a JavaScript execution context belongs.
JSGlobalContextRef JSContextGetGlobalContext (JSContextRef ctx) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7)
 Gets the global context of a JavaScript execution context.
JSStringRef JSGlobalContextCopyName (JSGlobalContextRef ctx) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10)
 Gets a copy of the name of a context.
JSStringRef ios (8.0))
void JSGlobalContextSetName (JSGlobalContextRef ctx, JSStringRef name) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10)
 Sets the remote debugging name for a context.

Function Documentation

◆ ios() [1/2]

JSStringRef ios ( 7.  0)

◆ ios() [2/2]

void ios ( 8.  0)

◆ JSContextGetGlobalContext()

JSGlobalContextRef JSContextGetGlobalContext ( JSContextRef  ctx)

Gets the global context of a JavaScript execution context.

◆ JSContextGetGlobalObject()

JSObjectRef JSContextGetGlobalObject ( JSContextRef  ctx)

Gets the global object of a JavaScript execution context.

◆ JSContextGetGroup()

JSContextGroupRef JSContextGetGroup ( JSContextRef  ctx)

Gets the context group to which a JavaScript execution context belongs.

◆ JSContextGroupCreate()

JSContextGroupRef JSContextGroupCreate ( void  )

Creates a JavaScript context group.

◆ JSContextGroupRelease()

void JSContextGroupRelease ( JSContextGroupRef  group)

Releases a JavaScript context group.

◆ JSContextGroupRetain()

JSContextGroupRef JSContextGroupRetain ( JSContextGroupRef  group)

Retains a JavaScript context group.

◆ JSGlobalContextCopyName()

JSStringRef JSGlobalContextCopyName ( JSGlobalContextRef  ctx)

Gets a copy of the name of a context.

◆ JSGlobalContextCreate()

JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextCreate ( JSClassRef  globalObjectClass)

Creates a global JavaScript execution context.

◆ JSGlobalContextCreateInGroup()

JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextCreateInGroup ( JSContextGroupRef  group,
JSClassRef  globalObjectClass 

Creates a global JavaScript execution context in the context group provided.

◆ JSGlobalContextRelease()

void JSGlobalContextRelease ( JSGlobalContextRef  ctx)

Releases a global JavaScript execution context.

◆ JSGlobalContextRetain()

JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextRetain ( JSGlobalContextRef  ctx)

Retains a global JavaScript execution context.

◆ JSGlobalContextSetName()

void JSGlobalContextSetName ( JSGlobalContextRef  ctx,
JSStringRef  name 

Sets the remote debugging name for a context.