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CAPI_View.h File Reference


Web-page container rendered to an offscreen surface.

#include <Ultralight/CAPI/CAPI_View.h>

The View class is responsible for loading and rendering web-pages to an offscreen surface. It is completely isolated from the OS windowing system, you must forward all input events to it from your application.

Creating a View

You can create a View by calling ulCreateView():

// Create a ULViewConfig with default values
// Create a View, 500 by 500 pixels in size, using the default Session
ULView view = ulCreateView(renderer, 500, 500, view_config, NULL);
// Clean up the ULViewConfig
struct C_View * ULView
Definition CAPI_Defines.h:63
struct C_ViewConfig * ULViewConfig
Definition CAPI_Defines.h:62
ULExport ULViewConfig ulCreateViewConfig()
Create view configuration with default values (see <Ultralight/platform/View.h>).
ULExport ULView ulCreateView(ULRenderer renderer, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, ULViewConfig view_config, ULSession session)
Create a View with certain size (in pixels).
ULExport void ulDestroyViewConfig(ULViewConfig config)
Destroy view configuration.
When using ulCreateApp(), the library will automatically create a View for you when you call ulCreateOverlay().


ULExport ULViewConfig ulCreateViewConfig ()
 Create view configuration with default values (see <Ultralight/platform/View.h>).
ULExport void ulDestroyViewConfig (ULViewConfig config)
 Destroy view configuration.
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetDisplayId (ULViewConfig config, unsigned int display_id)
 Set a user-generated id of the display (monitor, TV, or screen) that the View will be shown on.
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetIsAccelerated (ULViewConfig config, bool is_accelerated)
 Set whether to render using the GPU renderer (accelerated) or the CPU renderer (unaccelerated).
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetIsTransparent (ULViewConfig config, bool is_transparent)
 Set whether images should be enabled (Default = True).
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetInitialDeviceScale (ULViewConfig config, double initial_device_scale)
 Set the initial device scale, ie.
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetInitialFocus (ULViewConfig config, bool is_focused)
 Set whether or not the View should initially have input focus.
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetEnableImages (ULViewConfig config, bool enabled)
 Set whether images should be enabled (Default = True).
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetEnableJavaScript (ULViewConfig config, bool enabled)
 Set whether JavaScript should be enabled (Default = True).
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetFontFamilyStandard (ULViewConfig config, ULString font_name)
 Set default font-family to use (Default = Times New Roman).
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetFontFamilyFixed (ULViewConfig config, ULString font_name)
 Set default font-family to use for fixed fonts, eg.
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetFontFamilySerif (ULViewConfig config, ULString font_name)
 Set default font-family to use for serif fonts (Default = Times New Roman).
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetFontFamilySansSerif (ULViewConfig config, ULString font_name)
 Set default font-family to use for sans-serif fonts (Default = Arial).
ULExport void ulViewConfigSetUserAgent (ULViewConfig config, ULString agent_string)
 Set user agent string (See <Ultralight/platform/Config.h> for the default).
ULExport ULView ulCreateView (ULRenderer renderer, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, ULViewConfig view_config, ULSession session)
 Create a View with certain size (in pixels).
ULExport void ulDestroyView (ULView view)
 Destroy a View.
ULExport ULString ulViewGetURL (ULView view)
 Get current URL.
ULExport ULString ulViewGetTitle (ULView view)
 Get current title.
ULExport unsigned int ulViewGetWidth (ULView view)
 Get the width, in pixels.
ULExport unsigned int ulViewGetHeight (ULView view)
 Get the height, in pixels.
ULExport unsigned int ulViewGetDisplayId (ULView view)
ULExport void ulViewSetDisplayId (ULView view, unsigned int display_id)
 Set the display id of the View.
ULExport double ulViewGetDeviceScale (ULView view)
 Get the device scale, ie.
ULExport void ulViewSetDeviceScale (ULView view, double scale)
 Set the device scale.
ULExport bool ulViewIsAccelerated (ULView view)
 Whether or not the View is GPU-accelerated.
ULExport bool ulViewIsTransparent (ULView view)
 Whether or not the View supports transparent backgrounds.
ULExport bool ulViewIsLoading (ULView view)
 Check if the main frame of the page is currrently loading.
ULExport ULRenderTarget ulViewGetRenderTarget (ULView view)
 Get the RenderTarget for the View.
ULExport ULSurface ulViewGetSurface (ULView view)
 Get the Surface for the View (native pixel buffer that the CPU renderer draws into).
ULExport void ulViewLoadHTML (ULView view, ULString html_string)
 Load a raw string of HTML.
ULExport void ulViewLoadURL (ULView view, ULString url_string)
 Load a URL into main frame.
ULExport void ulViewResize (ULView view, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 Resize view to a certain width and height (in pixels).
ULExport JSContextRef ulViewLockJSContext (ULView view)
 Acquire the page's JSContext for use with JavaScriptCore API.
ULExport void ulViewUnlockJSContext (ULView view)
 Unlock the page's JSContext after a previous call to ulViewLockJSContext().
ULExport ULString ulViewEvaluateScript (ULView view, ULString js_string, ULString *exception)
 Evaluate a string of JavaScript and return result.
ULExport bool ulViewCanGoBack (ULView view)
 Check if can navigate backwards in history.
ULExport bool ulViewCanGoForward (ULView view)
 Check if can navigate forwards in history.
ULExport void ulViewGoBack (ULView view)
 Navigate backwards in history.
ULExport void ulViewGoForward (ULView view)
 Navigate forwards in history.
ULExport void ulViewGoToHistoryOffset (ULView view, int offset)
 Navigate to arbitrary offset in history.
ULExport void ulViewReload (ULView view)
 Reload current page.
ULExport void ulViewStop (ULView view)
 Stop all page loads.
ULExport void ulViewFocus (ULView view)
 Give focus to the View.
ULExport void ulViewUnfocus (ULView view)
 Remove focus from the View and unfocus any focused input elements.
ULExport bool ulViewHasFocus (ULView view)
 Whether or not the View has focus.
ULExport bool ulViewHasInputFocus (ULView view)
 Whether or not the View has an input element with visible keyboard focus (indicated by a blinking caret).
ULExport void ulViewFireKeyEvent (ULView view, ULKeyEvent key_event)
 Fire a keyboard event.
ULExport void ulViewFireMouseEvent (ULView view, ULMouseEvent mouse_event)
 Fire a mouse event.
ULExport void ulViewFireScrollEvent (ULView view, ULScrollEvent scroll_event)
 Fire a scroll event.
ULExport void ulViewSetChangeTitleCallback (ULView view, ULChangeTitleCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when the page title changes.
ULExport void ulViewSetChangeURLCallback (ULView view, ULChangeURLCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when the page URL changes.
ULExport void ulViewSetChangeTooltipCallback (ULView view, ULChangeTooltipCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when the tooltip changes (usually result of a mouse hover).
ULExport void ulViewSetChangeCursorCallback (ULView view, ULChangeCursorCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when the mouse cursor changes.
ULExport void ulViewSetAddConsoleMessageCallback (ULView view, ULAddConsoleMessageCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when a message is added to the console (useful for JavaScript / network errors and debugging).
ULExport void ulViewSetCreateChildViewCallback (ULView view, ULCreateChildViewCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when the page wants to create a new View.
ULExport void ulViewSetCreateInspectorViewCallback (ULView view, ULCreateInspectorViewCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when the page wants to create a new View to display the local inspector in.
ULExport void ulViewSetBeginLoadingCallback (ULView view, ULBeginLoadingCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when the page begins loading a new URL into a frame.
ULExport void ulViewSetFinishLoadingCallback (ULView view, ULFinishLoadingCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when the page finishes loading a URL into a frame.
ULExport void ulViewSetFailLoadingCallback (ULView view, ULFailLoadingCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when an error occurs while loading a URL into a frame.
ULExport void ulViewSetWindowObjectReadyCallback (ULView view, ULWindowObjectReadyCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when the JavaScript window object is reset for a new page load.
ULExport void ulViewSetDOMReadyCallback (ULView view, ULDOMReadyCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when all JavaScript has been parsed and the document is ready.
ULExport void ulViewSetUpdateHistoryCallback (ULView view, ULUpdateHistoryCallback callback, void *user_data)
 Set callback for when the history (back/forward state) is modified.
ULExport void ulViewSetNeedsPaint (ULView view, bool needs_paint)
 Set whether or not a view should be repainted during the next call to ulRender.
ULExport bool ulViewGetNeedsPaint (ULView view)
 Whether or not a view should be painted during the next call to ulRender.
ULExport void ulViewCreateLocalInspectorView (ULView view)
 Create an Inspector View to inspect / debug this View locally.


typedef void(* ULChangeTitleCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULString title)
typedef void(* ULChangeURLCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULString url)
typedef void(* ULChangeTooltipCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULString tooltip)
typedef void(* ULChangeCursorCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULCursor cursor)
typedef void(* ULAddConsoleMessageCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULMessageSource source, ULMessageLevel level, ULString message, unsigned int line_number, unsigned int column_number, ULString source_id)
typedef ULView(* ULCreateChildViewCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULString opener_url, ULString target_url, bool is_popup, ULIntRect popup_rect)
typedef ULView(* ULCreateInspectorViewCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, bool is_local, ULString inspected_url)
typedef void(* ULBeginLoadingCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, unsigned long long frame_id, bool is_main_frame, ULString url)
typedef void(* ULFinishLoadingCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, unsigned long long frame_id, bool is_main_frame, ULString url)
typedef void(* ULFailLoadingCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, unsigned long long frame_id, bool is_main_frame, ULString url, ULString description, ULString error_domain, int error_code)
typedef void(* ULWindowObjectReadyCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, unsigned long long frame_id, bool is_main_frame, ULString url)
typedef void(* ULDOMReadyCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, unsigned long long frame_id, bool is_main_frame, ULString url)
typedef void(* ULUpdateHistoryCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller)

Function Documentation

◆ ulCreateView()

ULExport ULView ulCreateView ( ULRenderer renderer,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
ULViewConfig view_config,
ULSession session )

Create a View with certain size (in pixels).

You can pass null to 'session' to use the default session.

◆ ulCreateViewConfig()

ULExport ULViewConfig ulCreateViewConfig ( )

Create view configuration with default values (see <Ultralight/platform/View.h>).

◆ ulDestroyView()

ULExport void ulDestroyView ( ULView view)

Destroy a View.

◆ ulDestroyViewConfig()

ULExport void ulDestroyViewConfig ( ULViewConfig config)

Destroy view configuration.

◆ ulViewCanGoBack()

ULExport bool ulViewCanGoBack ( ULView view)

Check if can navigate backwards in history.

◆ ulViewCanGoForward()

ULExport bool ulViewCanGoForward ( ULView view)

Check if can navigate forwards in history.

◆ ulViewConfigSetDisplayId()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetDisplayId ( ULViewConfig config,
unsigned int display_id )

Set a user-generated id of the display (monitor, TV, or screen) that the View will be shown on.

Animations are driven based on the physical refresh rate of the display. Multiple Views can share the same display.

This is automatically managed for you when ulCreateApp() is used.
See also

◆ ulViewConfigSetEnableImages()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetEnableImages ( ULViewConfig config,
bool enabled )

Set whether images should be enabled (Default = True).

◆ ulViewConfigSetEnableJavaScript()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetEnableJavaScript ( ULViewConfig config,
bool enabled )

Set whether JavaScript should be enabled (Default = True).

◆ ulViewConfigSetFontFamilyFixed()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetFontFamilyFixed ( ULViewConfig config,
ULString font_name )

Set default font-family to use for fixed fonts, eg.

(Default = Courier New).

◆ ulViewConfigSetFontFamilySansSerif()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetFontFamilySansSerif ( ULViewConfig config,
ULString font_name )

Set default font-family to use for sans-serif fonts (Default = Arial).

◆ ulViewConfigSetFontFamilySerif()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetFontFamilySerif ( ULViewConfig config,
ULString font_name )

Set default font-family to use for serif fonts (Default = Times New Roman).

◆ ulViewConfigSetFontFamilyStandard()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetFontFamilyStandard ( ULViewConfig config,
ULString font_name )

Set default font-family to use (Default = Times New Roman).

◆ ulViewConfigSetInitialDeviceScale()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetInitialDeviceScale ( ULViewConfig config,
double initial_device_scale )

Set the initial device scale, ie.

the amount to scale page units to screen pixels. This should be set to the scaling factor of the device that the View is displayed on. (Default = 1.0)

1.0 is equal to 100% zoom (no scaling), 2.0 is equal to 200% zoom (2x scaling)

◆ ulViewConfigSetInitialFocus()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetInitialFocus ( ULViewConfig config,
bool is_focused )

Set whether or not the View should initially have input focus.

(Default = True)

◆ ulViewConfigSetIsAccelerated()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetIsAccelerated ( ULViewConfig config,
bool is_accelerated )

Set whether to render using the GPU renderer (accelerated) or the CPU renderer (unaccelerated).

This option is only valid if you're managing the Renderer yourself (eg, you've previously called ulCreateRenderer() instead of ulCreateApp()).

When true, the View will be rendered to an offscreen GPU texture using the GPU driver set in ulPlatformSetGPUDriver(). You can fetch details for the texture via ulViewGetRenderTarget().

When false (the default), the View will be rendered to an offscreen pixel buffer using the multithreaded CPU renderer. This pixel buffer can optionally be provided by the user– for more info see ulViewGetSurface().

◆ ulViewConfigSetIsTransparent()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetIsTransparent ( ULViewConfig config,
bool is_transparent )

Set whether images should be enabled (Default = True).

◆ ulViewConfigSetUserAgent()

ULExport void ulViewConfigSetUserAgent ( ULViewConfig config,
ULString agent_string )

Set user agent string (See <Ultralight/platform/Config.h> for the default).

◆ ulViewCreateLocalInspectorView()

ULExport void ulViewCreateLocalInspectorView ( ULView view)

Create an Inspector View to inspect / debug this View locally.

This will only succeed if you have the inspector assets in your filesystem– the inspector will look for file:///inspector/Main.html when it first loads.

You must handle ulViewSetCreateInspectorViewCallback so that the library has a View to display the inspector in. This function will call the callback only if an inspector view is not currently active.

◆ ulViewEvaluateScript()

ULExport ULString ulViewEvaluateScript ( ULView view,
ULString js_string,
ULString * exception )

Evaluate a string of JavaScript and return result.

js_stringThe string of JavaScript to evaluate.
exceptionThe address of a ULString to store a description of the last exception. Pass NULL to ignore this. Don't destroy the exception string returned, it's owned by the View.
Don't destroy the returned string, it's owned by the View. This value is reset with every call– if you want to retain it you should copy the result to a new string via ulCreateStringFromCopy().
An example of using this API:
        ULString script = ulCreateString("1 + 1");
        ULString exception;
        ULString result = ulViewEvaluateScript(view, script, &exception);
        /* Use the result ("2") and exception description (if any) here. *‍/

◆ ulViewFireKeyEvent()

ULExport void ulViewFireKeyEvent ( ULView view,
ULKeyEvent key_event )

Fire a keyboard event.

◆ ulViewFireMouseEvent()

ULExport void ulViewFireMouseEvent ( ULView view,
ULMouseEvent mouse_event )

Fire a mouse event.

◆ ulViewFireScrollEvent()

ULExport void ulViewFireScrollEvent ( ULView view,
ULScrollEvent scroll_event )

Fire a scroll event.

◆ ulViewFocus()

ULExport void ulViewFocus ( ULView view)

Give focus to the View.

You should call this to give visual indication that the View has input focus (changes active text selection colors, for example).

◆ ulViewGetDeviceScale()

ULExport double ulViewGetDeviceScale ( ULView view)

Get the device scale, ie.

the amount to scale page units to screen pixels.

For example, a value of 1.0 is equivalent to 100% zoom. A value of 2.0 is 200% zoom.

◆ ulViewGetDisplayId()

ULExport unsigned int ulViewGetDisplayId ( ULView view)

◆ ulViewGetHeight()

ULExport unsigned int ulViewGetHeight ( ULView view)

Get the height, in pixels.

◆ ulViewGetNeedsPaint()

ULExport bool ulViewGetNeedsPaint ( ULView view)

Whether or not a view should be painted during the next call to ulRender.

◆ ulViewGetRenderTarget()

ULExport ULRenderTarget ulViewGetRenderTarget ( ULView view)

Get the RenderTarget for the View.

Only valid if this View is GPU accelerated.
   You can use this with your GPUDriver implementation to bind and display the
   corresponding texture in your application.

◆ ulViewGetSurface()

ULExport ULSurface ulViewGetSurface ( ULView view)

Get the Surface for the View (native pixel buffer that the CPU renderer draws into).

This operation is only valid if you're managing the Renderer yourself (eg, you've previously called ulCreateRenderer() instead of ulCreateApp()).

This function will return NULL if this View is GPU accelerated.

The default Surface is BitmapSurface but you can provide your own Surface implementation via ulPlatformSetSurfaceDefinition.

When using the default Surface, you can retrieve the underlying bitmap by casting ULSurface to ULBitmapSurface and calling ulBitmapSurfaceGetBitmap().

◆ ulViewGetTitle()

ULExport ULString ulViewGetTitle ( ULView view)

Get current title.

Don't destroy the returned string, it is owned by the View.

◆ ulViewGetURL()

ULExport ULString ulViewGetURL ( ULView view)

Get current URL.

Don't destroy the returned string, it is owned by the View.

◆ ulViewGetWidth()

ULExport unsigned int ulViewGetWidth ( ULView view)

Get the width, in pixels.

◆ ulViewGoBack()

ULExport void ulViewGoBack ( ULView view)

Navigate backwards in history.

◆ ulViewGoForward()

ULExport void ulViewGoForward ( ULView view)

Navigate forwards in history.

◆ ulViewGoToHistoryOffset()

ULExport void ulViewGoToHistoryOffset ( ULView view,
int offset )

Navigate to arbitrary offset in history.

◆ ulViewHasFocus()

ULExport bool ulViewHasFocus ( ULView view)

Whether or not the View has focus.

◆ ulViewHasInputFocus()

ULExport bool ulViewHasInputFocus ( ULView view)

Whether or not the View has an input element with visible keyboard focus (indicated by a blinking caret).

You can use this to decide whether or not the View should consume keyboard input events (useful in games with mixed UI and key handling).

◆ ulViewIsAccelerated()

ULExport bool ulViewIsAccelerated ( ULView view)

Whether or not the View is GPU-accelerated.

If this is false, the page will be rendered via the CPU renderer.

◆ ulViewIsLoading()

ULExport bool ulViewIsLoading ( ULView view)

Check if the main frame of the page is currrently loading.

◆ ulViewIsTransparent()

ULExport bool ulViewIsTransparent ( ULView view)

Whether or not the View supports transparent backgrounds.

◆ ulViewLoadHTML()

ULExport void ulViewLoadHTML ( ULView view,
ULString html_string )

Load a raw string of HTML.

◆ ulViewLoadURL()

ULExport void ulViewLoadURL ( ULView view,
ULString url_string )

Load a URL into main frame.

◆ ulViewLockJSContext()

ULExport JSContextRef ulViewLockJSContext ( ULView view)

Acquire the page's JSContext for use with JavaScriptCore API.

This call locks the context for the current thread. You should call ulViewUnlockJSContext() after using the context so other worker threads can modify JavaScript state.
The lock is recusive, it's okay to call this multiple times as long as you call ulViewUnlockJSContext() the same number of times.

◆ ulViewReload()

ULExport void ulViewReload ( ULView view)

Reload current page.

◆ ulViewResize()

ULExport void ulViewResize ( ULView view,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height )

Resize view to a certain width and height (in pixels).

◆ ulViewSetAddConsoleMessageCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetAddConsoleMessageCallback ( ULView view,
ULAddConsoleMessageCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when a message is added to the console (useful for JavaScript / network errors and debugging).

◆ ulViewSetBeginLoadingCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetBeginLoadingCallback ( ULView view,
ULBeginLoadingCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when the page begins loading a new URL into a frame.

◆ ulViewSetChangeCursorCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetChangeCursorCallback ( ULView view,
ULChangeCursorCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when the mouse cursor changes.

◆ ulViewSetChangeTitleCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetChangeTitleCallback ( ULView view,
ULChangeTitleCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when the page title changes.

◆ ulViewSetChangeTooltipCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetChangeTooltipCallback ( ULView view,
ULChangeTooltipCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when the tooltip changes (usually result of a mouse hover).

◆ ulViewSetChangeURLCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetChangeURLCallback ( ULView view,
ULChangeURLCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when the page URL changes.

◆ ulViewSetCreateChildViewCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetCreateChildViewCallback ( ULView view,
ULCreateChildViewCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when the page wants to create a new View.

This is usually the result of a user clicking a link with target="_blank" or by JavaScript calling window.open(url).

To allow creation of these new Views, you should create a new View in this callback, resize it to your container, and return it. You are responsible for displaying the returned View.

You should return NULL if you want to block the action.

◆ ulViewSetCreateInspectorViewCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetCreateInspectorViewCallback ( ULView view,
ULCreateInspectorViewCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when the page wants to create a new View to display the local inspector in.

You should create a new View in this callback, resize it to your container, and return it. You are responsible for displaying the returned View.

◆ ulViewSetDeviceScale()

ULExport void ulViewSetDeviceScale ( ULView view,
double scale )

Set the device scale.

◆ ulViewSetDisplayId()

ULExport void ulViewSetDisplayId ( ULView view,
unsigned int display_id )

Set the display id of the View.

This should be called when the View is moved to another display.

◆ ulViewSetDOMReadyCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetDOMReadyCallback ( ULView view,
ULDOMReadyCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when all JavaScript has been parsed and the document is ready.

This is the best time to make any JavaScript calls that are dependent on DOM elements or scripts on the page.

◆ ulViewSetFailLoadingCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetFailLoadingCallback ( ULView view,
ULFailLoadingCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when an error occurs while loading a URL into a frame.

◆ ulViewSetFinishLoadingCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetFinishLoadingCallback ( ULView view,
ULFinishLoadingCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when the page finishes loading a URL into a frame.

◆ ulViewSetNeedsPaint()

ULExport void ulViewSetNeedsPaint ( ULView view,
bool needs_paint )

Set whether or not a view should be repainted during the next call to ulRender.

This flag is automatically set whenever the page content changes but you can set it directly in case you need to force a repaint.

◆ ulViewSetUpdateHistoryCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetUpdateHistoryCallback ( ULView view,
ULUpdateHistoryCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when the history (back/forward state) is modified.

◆ ulViewSetWindowObjectReadyCallback()

ULExport void ulViewSetWindowObjectReadyCallback ( ULView view,
ULWindowObjectReadyCallback callback,
void * user_data )

Set callback for when the JavaScript window object is reset for a new page load.

This is called before any scripts are executed on the page and is the earliest time to setup any initial JavaScript state or bindings.

The document is not guaranteed to be loaded/parsed at this point. If you need to make any JavaScript calls that are dependent on DOM elements or scripts on the page, use DOMReady instead.

The window object is lazily initialized (this will not be called on pages with no scripts).

◆ ulViewStop()

ULExport void ulViewStop ( ULView view)

Stop all page loads.

◆ ulViewUnfocus()

ULExport void ulViewUnfocus ( ULView view)

Remove focus from the View and unfocus any focused input elements.

You should call this to give visual indication that the View has lost input focus.

◆ ulViewUnlockJSContext()

ULExport void ulViewUnlockJSContext ( ULView view)

Unlock the page's JSContext after a previous call to ulViewLockJSContext().

Typedef Documentation

◆ ULAddConsoleMessageCallback

typedef void(* ULAddConsoleMessageCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULMessageSource source, ULMessageLevel level, ULString message, unsigned int line_number, unsigned int column_number, ULString source_id)

◆ ULBeginLoadingCallback

typedef void(* ULBeginLoadingCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, unsigned long long frame_id, bool is_main_frame, ULString url)

◆ ULChangeCursorCallback

typedef void(* ULChangeCursorCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULCursor cursor)

◆ ULChangeTitleCallback

typedef void(* ULChangeTitleCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULString title)

◆ ULChangeTooltipCallback

typedef void(* ULChangeTooltipCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULString tooltip)

◆ ULChangeURLCallback

typedef void(* ULChangeURLCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULString url)

◆ ULCreateChildViewCallback

typedef ULView(* ULCreateChildViewCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, ULString opener_url, ULString target_url, bool is_popup, ULIntRect popup_rect)

◆ ULCreateInspectorViewCallback

typedef ULView(* ULCreateInspectorViewCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, bool is_local, ULString inspected_url)

◆ ULDOMReadyCallback

typedef void(* ULDOMReadyCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, unsigned long long frame_id, bool is_main_frame, ULString url)

◆ ULFailLoadingCallback

typedef void(* ULFailLoadingCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, unsigned long long frame_id, bool is_main_frame, ULString url, ULString description, ULString error_domain, int error_code)

◆ ULFinishLoadingCallback

typedef void(* ULFinishLoadingCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, unsigned long long frame_id, bool is_main_frame, ULString url)

◆ ULUpdateHistoryCallback

typedef void(* ULUpdateHistoryCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller)

◆ ULWindowObjectReadyCallback

typedef void(* ULWindowObjectReadyCallback) (void *user_data, ULView caller, unsigned long long frame_id, bool is_main_frame, ULString url)

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