Ultralight C++ API 1.3.0
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ultralight::View Class Referenceabstract

#include <Ultralight/View.h>


Web-page container rendered to an offscreen surface that you display yourself.

The View class is responsible for loading and rendering web-pages to an offscreen surface. It is completely isolated from the OS windowing system, you must forward all input events to it from your application.

The API is not thread-safe, all calls must be made on the same thread that the Renderer/App was created on.
Inheritance diagram for ultralight::View:

Public Member Functions

virtual String url ()=0
 Get the URL of the current page loaded into this View, if any.
virtual String title ()=0
 Get the title of the current page loaded into this View, if any.
virtual uint32_t width () const =0
 Get the width of the View, in pixels.
virtual uint32_t height () const =0
 Get the height of the View, in pixels.
virtual double device_scale () const =0
 Get the device scale, ie.
virtual void set_device_scale (double scale)=0
 Set the device scale.
virtual bool is_accelerated () const =0
 Whether or not the View is GPU-accelerated.
virtual bool is_transparent () const =0
 Whether or not the View supports transparent backgrounds.
virtual bool is_loading ()=0
 Check if the main frame of the page is currently loading.
virtual RenderTarget render_target ()=0
 Get the RenderTarget for the View.
virtual Surfacesurface ()=0
 Get the Surface for the View (native pixel buffer that the CPU renderer draws into).
virtual void LoadHTML (const String &html, const String &url="", bool add_to_history=false)=0
 Load a raw string of HTML, the View will navigate to it as a new page.
virtual void LoadURL (const String &url)=0
 Load a URL, the View will navigate to it as a new page.
virtual void Resize (uint32_t width, uint32_t height)=0
 Resize View to a certain size.
virtual RefPtr< JSContextLockJSContext ()=0
 Acquire the page's JSContext for use with the JavaScriptCore API.
virtual void * JavaScriptVM ()=0
 Get a handle to the internal JavaScriptCore VM.
virtual String EvaluateScript (const String &script, String *exception=nullptr)=0
 Helper function to evaluate a raw string of JavaScript and return the result as a String.
virtual bool CanGoBack ()=0
 Whether or not we can navigate backwards in history.
virtual bool CanGoForward ()=0
 Whether or not we can navigate forwards in history.
virtual void GoBack ()=0
 Navigate backwards in history.
virtual void GoForward ()=0
 Navigate forwards in history.
virtual void GoToHistoryOffset (int offset)=0
 Navigate to an arbitrary offset in history.
virtual void Reload ()=0
 Reload current page.
virtual void Stop ()=0
 Stop all page loads.
virtual void Focus ()=0
 Give focus to the View.
virtual void Unfocus ()=0
 Remove focus from the View and unfocus any focused input elements.
virtual bool HasFocus ()=0
 Whether or not the View has focus.
virtual bool HasInputFocus ()=0
 Whether or not the View has an input element with visible keyboard focus (indicated by a blinking caret).
virtual void FireKeyEvent (const KeyEvent &evt)=0
 Fire a keyboard event.
virtual void FireMouseEvent (const MouseEvent &evt)=0
 Fire a mouse event.
virtual void FireScrollEvent (const ScrollEvent &evt)=0
 Fire a scroll event.
virtual void set_view_listener (ViewListener *listener)=0
 Set a ViewListener to receive callbacks for View-related events.
virtual ViewListenerview_listener () const =0
 Get the active ViewListener, if any.
virtual void set_load_listener (LoadListener *listener)=0
 Set a LoadListener to receive callbacks for Load-related events.
virtual LoadListenerload_listener () const =0
 Get the active LoadListener, if any.
virtual void set_needs_paint (bool needs_paint)=0
 Set whether or not this View should be repainted during the next call to Renderer::Render.
virtual bool needs_paint () const =0
 Whether or not this View should be repainted during the next call to Renderer::Render.
virtual void CreateLocalInspectorView ()=0
 Create an Inspector View to inspect / debug this View locally.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ultralight::RefCounted
virtual void AddRef () const =0
virtual void Release () const =0
virtual int ref_count () const =0

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~View ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ultralight::RefCounted
virtual ~RefCounted ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~View()

virtual ultralight::View::~View ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CanGoBack()

virtual bool ultralight::View::CanGoBack ( )
pure virtual

Whether or not we can navigate backwards in history.

◆ CanGoForward()

virtual bool ultralight::View::CanGoForward ( )
pure virtual

Whether or not we can navigate forwards in history.

◆ CreateLocalInspectorView()

virtual void ultralight::View::CreateLocalInspectorView ( )
pure virtual

Create an Inspector View to inspect / debug this View locally.

This will only succeed if you have the inspector assets in your filesystem– the inspector will look for file:///inspector/Main.html when it first loads.

You must handle ViewListener::OnCreateInspectorView so that the library has a View to display the inspector in. This function will call this event only if an inspector view is not currently active.

◆ device_scale()

virtual double ultralight::View::device_scale ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the device scale, ie.

the amount to scale page units to screen pixels.

For example, a value of 1.0 is equivalent to 100% zoom. A value of 2.0 is 200% zoom.

◆ EvaluateScript()

virtual String ultralight::View::EvaluateScript ( const String script,
String exception = nullptr 
pure virtual

Helper function to evaluate a raw string of JavaScript and return the result as a String.

scriptA string of JavaScript to evaluate in the main frame.
exceptionA string to store the exception in, if any. Pass a nullptr if you don't care about exceptions.
Returns the JavaScript result typecast to a String.
You do not need to lock the JS context, it is done automatically.
If you need lower-level access to native JavaScript values, you should instead lock the JS context and call JSEvaluateScript() in the JavaScriptCore C API.
See also

◆ FireKeyEvent()

virtual void ultralight::View::FireKeyEvent ( const KeyEvent evt)
pure virtual

Fire a keyboard event.

Only 'Char' events actually generate text in input fields.

◆ FireMouseEvent()

virtual void ultralight::View::FireMouseEvent ( const MouseEvent evt)
pure virtual

Fire a mouse event.

◆ FireScrollEvent()

virtual void ultralight::View::FireScrollEvent ( const ScrollEvent evt)
pure virtual

Fire a scroll event.

◆ Focus()

virtual void ultralight::View::Focus ( )
pure virtual

Give focus to the View.

You should call this to give visual indication that the View has input focus (changes active text selection colors, for example).

◆ GoBack()

virtual void ultralight::View::GoBack ( )
pure virtual

Navigate backwards in history.

◆ GoForward()

virtual void ultralight::View::GoForward ( )
pure virtual

Navigate forwards in history.

◆ GoToHistoryOffset()

virtual void ultralight::View::GoToHistoryOffset ( int  offset)
pure virtual

Navigate to an arbitrary offset in history.

◆ HasFocus()

virtual bool ultralight::View::HasFocus ( )
pure virtual

Whether or not the View has focus.

◆ HasInputFocus()

virtual bool ultralight::View::HasInputFocus ( )
pure virtual

Whether or not the View has an input element with visible keyboard focus (indicated by a blinking caret).

You can use this to decide whether or not the View should consume keyboard input events (useful in games with mixed UI and key handling).

◆ height()

virtual uint32_t ultralight::View::height ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the height of the View, in pixels.

◆ is_accelerated()

virtual bool ultralight::View::is_accelerated ( ) const
pure virtual

Whether or not the View is GPU-accelerated.

If this is false, the page will be rendered via the CPU renderer.

◆ is_loading()

virtual bool ultralight::View::is_loading ( )
pure virtual

Check if the main frame of the page is currently loading.

◆ is_transparent()

virtual bool ultralight::View::is_transparent ( ) const
pure virtual

Whether or not the View supports transparent backgrounds.

◆ JavaScriptVM()

virtual void * ultralight::View::JavaScriptVM ( )
pure virtual

Get a handle to the internal JavaScriptCore VM.

◆ load_listener()

virtual LoadListener * ultralight::View::load_listener ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the active LoadListener, if any.

◆ LoadHTML()

virtual void ultralight::View::LoadHTML ( const String html,
const String url = "",
bool  add_to_history = false 
pure virtual

Load a raw string of HTML, the View will navigate to it as a new page.

htmlThe raw HTML string to load.
urlAn optional URL for this load (to make it appear as if we we loaded this HTML from a certain URL). Can be used for resolving relative URLs and cross-origin rules.
add_to_historyWhether or not this load should be added to the session's history (eg, the back/forward list).

◆ LoadURL()

virtual void ultralight::View::LoadURL ( const String url)
pure virtual

Load a URL, the View will navigate to it as a new page.

You can use File URLs (eg, file:///page.html) but you must define your own FileSystem implementation if you are not using AppCore.
See also

◆ LockJSContext()

virtual RefPtr< JSContext > ultralight::View::LockJSContext ( )
pure virtual

Acquire the page's JSContext for use with the JavaScriptCore API.

You can use the underlying JSContextRef with the JavaScriptCore C API. This allows you to marshall C/C++ objects to/from JavaScript, bind callbacks, and call JS functions directly.
The JSContextRef gets reset after each page navigation. You should initialize your JavaScript state within the OnWindowObjectReady and OnDOMReady events,
See also
This call locks the internal context for the current thread. It will be unlocked when the returned JSContext's ref-count goes to zero. The lock is recursive, you can call this multiple times.

◆ needs_paint()

virtual bool ultralight::View::needs_paint ( ) const
pure virtual

Whether or not this View should be repainted during the next call to Renderer::Render.

◆ Reload()

virtual void ultralight::View::Reload ( )
pure virtual

Reload current page.

◆ render_target()

virtual RenderTarget ultralight::View::render_target ( )
pure virtual

Get the RenderTarget for the View.

Only valid if this View is using the GPU renderer (see ViewConfig::is_accelerated).
You can use this with your GPUDriver implementation to bind and display the corresponding texture in your application.

◆ Resize()

virtual void ultralight::View::Resize ( uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height 
pure virtual

Resize View to a certain size.

widthThe initial width, in pixels.
heightThe initial height, in pixels.

◆ set_device_scale()

virtual void ultralight::View::set_device_scale ( double  scale)
pure virtual

Set the device scale.

◆ set_load_listener()

virtual void ultralight::View::set_load_listener ( LoadListener listener)
pure virtual

Set a LoadListener to receive callbacks for Load-related events.

Ownership remains with the caller.

◆ set_needs_paint()

virtual void ultralight::View::set_needs_paint ( bool  needs_paint)
pure virtual

Set whether or not this View should be repainted during the next call to Renderer::Render.

This flag is automatically set whenever the page content changes but you can set it directly in case you need to force a repaint.

◆ set_view_listener()

virtual void ultralight::View::set_view_listener ( ViewListener listener)
pure virtual

Set a ViewListener to receive callbacks for View-related events.

Ownership remains with the caller.

◆ Stop()

virtual void ultralight::View::Stop ( )
pure virtual

Stop all page loads.

◆ surface()

virtual Surface * ultralight::View::surface ( )
pure virtual

Get the Surface for the View (native pixel buffer that the CPU renderer draws into).

This operation is only valid if the View is using the CPU renderer, (eg, it is not GPU accelerated, see ViewConfig::is_accelerated). This function will return return nullptr if the View is using the GPU renderer.
The default Surface is BitmapSurface but you can provide your own Surface implementation via Platform::set_surface_factory().

◆ title()

virtual String ultralight::View::title ( )
pure virtual

Get the title of the current page loaded into this View, if any.

◆ Unfocus()

virtual void ultralight::View::Unfocus ( )
pure virtual

Remove focus from the View and unfocus any focused input elements.

You should call this to give visual indication that the View has lost input focus.

◆ url()

virtual String ultralight::View::url ( )
pure virtual

Get the URL of the current page loaded into this View, if any.

◆ view_listener()

virtual ViewListener * ultralight::View::view_listener ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the active ViewListener, if any.

◆ width()

virtual uint32_t ultralight::View::width ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the width of the View, in pixels.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: