No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Chash< ultralight::String >Hash specialization for ultralight::String
 CAppMain application singleton (use this if you want to let the library manage window creation)
 CAppListenerInterface for all App-related events
 CBitmapA thread-safe container for pixel data
 CBitmapSurfaceThe default surface implementation, backed by a bitmap
 CBufferA fixed-size container for raw byte data
 CClipboardUser-defined clipboard interface
 CCommandA command to execute on the GPU
 CCommandListList of commands to execute on the GPU
 CConfigCore configuration for the renderer
 CConsoleMessageInterface for console messages
 CCreateThreadResultResult of creating a new thread
 CDownloadListenerUser-defined interface to handle download-related events for a View
 CFileSystemUser-defined file system interface
 CFontFileRepresents a font file, either on-disk path or in-memory file contents
 CFontLoaderUser-defined font loader interface
 CGamepadAxisEventEvent representing a change in gamepad axis state (eg, pressing a stick in a certain direction)
 CGamepadButtonEventEvent representing a change in gamepad button state (eg, pressing a button on a gamepad)
 CGamepadEventEvent representing a change in gamepad connection state
 CGPUDriverUser-defined GPU driver interface
 CGPUStateThe state of the GPU for a given draw command
 CImageSourceUser-defined image source to display custom images on a web-page
 CImageSourceListenerListener for ImageSource events
 CImageSourceProviderMaps image sources to string identifiers
 CImageSourceProviderListenerListener for ImageSourceProvider events
 CIndexBufferIndex buffer description
 CIntRectInteger Rectangle Helper
 Cis_string_typeTrait to check if a type is a supported string-like type
 Cis_string_type< const char * >
 Cis_string_type< std::string >
 Cis_string_type< std::string_view >
 Cis_string_type< String >
 CJSArgsA vector of JSValues, used for passing around arguments in JSCallback
 CJSArrayJSArray wrapper that automatically manages lifetime and provides convenient access to indices and Array functions
 CJSContextThis class wraps a JSContextRef (a JavaScript execution context for use with JavaScriptCore) and locks the context on the current thread for the duration of its lifetime
 CJSFunctionJSFunction wrapper that automatically manages lifetime and provides convenient function invocation operators
 CJSObjectJSObject wrapper that automatically manages lifetime and provides convenient access to properties
 CJSPropertyValueWrapper for JSObject property value (JSValue subclass)
 CJSStringJavaScript String wrapper that automatically manages JSStringRef lifetime and provides helpful conversions
 CJSValueJavaScript variant value wrapper that automatically manages JSValueRef lifetime and provides helpful conversions
 CJSValueNullTagTag type used with the JSValue constructor to create "Null" types
 CJSValueUndefinedTagTag type used with the JSValue constructor to create "Undefined" types
 CKeyEventKeyboard event representing a change in keyboard state
 CLoadListenerUser-defined interface to handle load-related events for a View
 CLockTiny, efficient spinlock that is optimized for short locking periods but will still intelligently yield the current thread and save CPU if the lock is held longer
 CLockedPixelsForward declaration for the LockedPixels class
 CLoggerUser-defined logging interface
 CMatrixTransformation Matrix helper
 CMatrix4x44x4 Matrix Helper
 CMonitorA platform-specific monitor
 CMouseEventMouse event representing a change in mouse state
 CNetworkListenerUser-defined interface to handle network-related events for a View
 CNetworkRequestInterface for Network requests
 COverlayWeb-content overlay, displays a web-page within a portion of a Window
 CPlatformGlobal platform singleton, manages user-defined platform handlers and global config
 CRectFloat Rectangle Helper
 CRefCountedInterface for all ref-counted objects that will be managed using the RefPtr<> smart pointer
 CRefPtrA nullable smart pointer
 CRenderBufferRender buffer description
 CRendererCore renderer singleton for the library, coordinates all library functions
 CRenderTargetOffscreen render target, used when rendering Views via the GPU renderer
 CRoundedRectRounded Rectangle Helper
 CScrollEventScroll event representing a change in scroll state
 CSessionStorage for a browsing session (cookies, local storage, etc.)
 CSettingsApp-specific settings
 CStringUnicode string container with conversions for UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32
 CString16A null-terminated UTF-16 string container
 CString16VectorA UTF-16 string vector
 CString32A null-terminated UTF-32 string container
 CString8A null-terminated UTF-8 string container
 CSurfaceUser-defined pixel buffer surface
 CSurfaceFactoryUser-defined factory to provide your own surface implementation
 CThreadFactoryUser-defined factory for creating new threads
 Cvec22D Vector Helper
 Cvec33D Vector Helper
 Cvec44D Vector Helper
 CVertex_2f_4ub_2fVertex layout for path vertices
 CVertex_2f_4ub_2f_2f_28fVertex layout for quad vertices
 CVertexBufferVertex buffer description
 CViewWeb-page container rendered to an offscreen surface
 CViewConfigView-specific configuration settings
 CViewListenerUser-defined interface to handle general events for a View
 CWindowA platform-specific window
 CWindowListenerInterface for all Window-related events
 CJSClassDefinitionThis structure contains properties and callbacks that define a type of object. All fields other than the version field are optional. Any pointer may be NULL
 CJSStaticFunctionThis structure describes a statically declared function property
 CJSStaticValueThis structure describes a statically declared value property
 CULAllocatorUser-defined allocator interface