▼Nstd | |
Chash< ultralight::String > | Hash specialization for ultralight::String |
▼Nultralight | |
CApp | Main application singleton (use this if you want to let the library manage window creation) |
CAppListener | Interface for all App-related events |
CBitmap | A thread-safe container for pixel data |
CBitmapSurface | The default surface implementation, backed by a bitmap |
CBuffer | A fixed-size container for raw byte data |
CClipboard | User-defined clipboard interface |
CCommand | A command to execute on the GPU |
CCommandList | List of commands to execute on the GPU |
CConfig | Core configuration for the renderer |
CConsoleMessage | Interface for console messages |
CCreateThreadResult | Result of creating a new thread |
CDownloadListener | User-defined interface to handle download-related events for a View |
CFileSystem | User-defined file system interface |
CFontFile | Represents a font file, either on-disk path or in-memory file contents |
CFontLoader | User-defined font loader interface |
CGamepadAxisEvent | Event representing a change in gamepad axis state (eg, pressing a stick in a certain direction) |
CGamepadButtonEvent | Event representing a change in gamepad button state (eg, pressing a button on a gamepad) |
CGamepadEvent | Event representing a change in gamepad connection state |
CGPUDriver | User-defined GPU driver interface |
CGPUState | The state of the GPU for a given draw command |
CImageSource | User-defined image source to display custom images on a web-page |
CImageSourceListener | Listener for ImageSource events |
CImageSourceProvider | Maps image sources to string identifiers |
CImageSourceProviderListener | Listener for ImageSourceProvider events |
CIndexBuffer | Index buffer description |
CIntRect | Integer Rectangle Helper |
Cis_string_type | Trait to check if a type is a supported string-like type |
Cis_string_type< const char * > | |
Cis_string_type< std::string > | |
Cis_string_type< std::string_view > | |
Cis_string_type< String > | |
CJSArgs | A vector of JSValues, used for passing around arguments in JSCallback |
CJSArray | JSArray wrapper that automatically manages lifetime and provides convenient access to indices and Array functions |
CJSContext | This class wraps a JSContextRef (a JavaScript execution context for use with JavaScriptCore) and locks the context on the current thread for the duration of its lifetime |
CJSFunction | JSFunction wrapper that automatically manages lifetime and provides convenient function invocation operators |
CJSObject | JSObject wrapper that automatically manages lifetime and provides convenient access to properties |
CJSPropertyValue | Wrapper for JSObject property value (JSValue subclass) |
CJSString | JavaScript String wrapper that automatically manages JSStringRef lifetime and provides helpful conversions |
CJSValue | JavaScript variant value wrapper that automatically manages JSValueRef lifetime and provides helpful conversions |
CJSValueNullTag | Tag type used with the JSValue constructor to create "Null" types |
CJSValueUndefinedTag | Tag type used with the JSValue constructor to create "Undefined" types |
CKeyEvent | Keyboard event representing a change in keyboard state |
CLoadListener | User-defined interface to handle load-related events for a View |
CLock | Tiny, efficient spinlock that is optimized for short locking periods but will still intelligently yield the current thread and save CPU if the lock is held longer |
CLockedPixels | Forward declaration for the LockedPixels class |
CLogger | User-defined logging interface |
CMatrix | Transformation Matrix helper |
CMatrix4x4 | 4x4 Matrix Helper |
CMonitor | A platform-specific monitor |
CMouseEvent | Mouse event representing a change in mouse state |
CNetworkListener | User-defined interface to handle network-related events for a View |
CNetworkRequest | Interface for Network requests |
COverlay | Web-content overlay, displays a web-page within a portion of a Window |
CPlatform | Global platform singleton, manages user-defined platform handlers and global config |
CRect | Float Rectangle Helper |
CRefCounted | Interface for all ref-counted objects that will be managed using the RefPtr<> smart pointer |
CRefPtr | A nullable smart pointer |
CRenderBuffer | Render buffer description |
CRenderer | Core renderer singleton for the library, coordinates all library functions |
CRenderTarget | Offscreen render target, used when rendering Views via the GPU renderer |
CRoundedRect | Rounded Rectangle Helper |
CScrollEvent | Scroll event representing a change in scroll state |
CSession | Storage for a browsing session (cookies, local storage, etc.) |
CSettings | App-specific settings |
CString | Unicode string container with conversions for UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 |
CString16 | A null-terminated UTF-16 string container |
CString16Vector | A UTF-16 string vector |
CString32 | A null-terminated UTF-32 string container |
CString8 | A null-terminated UTF-8 string container |
CSurface | User-defined pixel buffer surface |
CSurfaceFactory | User-defined factory to provide your own surface implementation |
CThreadFactory | User-defined factory for creating new threads |
Cvec2 | 2D Vector Helper |
Cvec3 | 3D Vector Helper |
Cvec4 | 4D Vector Helper |
CVertex_2f_4ub_2f | Vertex layout for path vertices |
CVertex_2f_4ub_2f_2f_28f | Vertex layout for quad vertices |
CVertexBuffer | Vertex buffer description |
CView | Web-page container rendered to an offscreen surface |
CViewConfig | View-specific configuration settings |
CViewListener | User-defined interface to handle general events for a View |
CWindow | A platform-specific window |
CWindowListener | Interface for all Window-related events |
CJSClassDefinition | This structure contains properties and callbacks that define a type of object. All fields other than the version field are optional. Any pointer may be NULL |
CJSRetainPtr | |
CJSStaticFunction | This structure describes a statically declared function property |
CJSStaticValue | This structure describes a statically declared value property |
CULAllocator | User-defined allocator interface |